Everyone knows it's about the shoes

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Good News

Well, it has happened! Are you ready for it? I have a talk show, it is called Fabulous Alternatives! I just love the name don't you? It is a live-stream web cast coming to your computers from Atlanta, Georgia or the Dirty South as some like to call, not me. Any who, the show deals with all things fabulous here in Atlanta but also around the world. That means I really have to keep my eyes moving for things going on everywhere. I am tired just thinking about it but it will be fun; for I am a reporter now and the new face of social media. I will give only 1000% and nothing less. OK, maybe 999%. I mean, I am not perfect. I will be buzzing around like the little busy bee I am to every social event here in Atlanta that I can get to. Keeping up with every little detail of whats going on around the map that my fabulous little body can handle. It will be rough but somebodies got to do it, me! I'll see you in a few days to report back on whats happening this week here, there and everywhere!

peace, love and hair grease keep it slick ;)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Busy Bee

Although I have been really working hard on it, I am so bad at keeping up with my blogging. Any who, there are some amazing things coming up. I am on cloud nine about it. I will definitely keep you posted. I just need to keep reminding myself to get on and blog about my encounters. Because there is so much on my plate, I can honestly say my eyes are bigger than my tummy :)